The Mayan Calendar continues into 2013

The crossing the Winter Solstice 2012 portal on 21st December ended a Creation Cycle in the Mayan Long Count and we have started a new grand cycle.

In this way the Mayan Calendar continues to keep track of days with its system of interlocking wheels of various time lengths. The central hubs of ’13 x 20′ form the Tzolkin, also called the Sacred Mayan Calendar, and last 260 days.

Maha Gaia painting by

Maha Gaia painting by

Using the traditional Mayan count of days we began a new 13 day cycle with 1 OC on 30th December 2012 at sunset.

Mayan Calendar sign Oc from the Maya Cards

Mayan Calendar sign Oc from the Maya Cards

Dog drumming, Madrid Codex

Dog drumming, Madrid Codex

OC the dog is a white day-sign of the North, the cold nocturnal kingdom of the underworld. In Maya codices dogs often participate in rites connected with the spirit world. The example here from the Madrid Codex shows a drumming and singing dog.

For the Maya the dog is traditionally the guardian of the afterlife. Found in Maya tombs, dogs were considered to be the guides of the dead in the underworld, helping the souls reach their final destination. Sharing this same belief, the indigenous Lancadons make a small figure of a dog to place on the grave.

During the OC/dog cycle remember to stay in your heart and lovingly care for your ‘kin’ around you. This is one of the key messages of this grand cycle which has now begun for humanity.

To consult the dates for our next Mayan Calendar Workshops at Stargaia, Glastonbury, go to Events.

To order our Mayan Calendar Publications online see Mayan Calendar Decoders, Cards & Books
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